
Our First Scare!!!!!

OMG - Since Cameron has been born he has been the healthiest child we could have ever asked for!  Besides a few ear infections (that most kids have) he has been perfect!  I mean not even throwing up ever (which is good because Mommy can't handle that). 

Well all of this changed when we started to notice that the little lump on his left chest started to get bigger.  When Cameron was a week old we noticed that his left chest area was larger than his right.  We really didn't think anything of it.  It started to get larger and larger but again nothing that we worried about.  During his 3 year check up the Dr. Pitts suggested that we get an ultrasound just to see what it was. We did the ultrasound and the Pediatric Surgeon informed us that there were tiny cyst inside his chest and we should have them removed so that they don't burst or get infected. 

We scheduled the surgery and the conversation started.  We had to explain to Cameron that we were going to have the little "bump" in his chest removed.  For those of you who are parents but have never had to explain to a 3 year old that they were going to have go to the Hospital, let me tell you - you have to be very creative!  I think we did a great job - in fact Cameron was excited about it.  Mommy and Daddy.....not so much! 

Well the time came, August 23rd - Surgery day.  We were up nice and early - so early that they suggested bringing Cameron in his pajamas!  We arrived and got the run down of how the day would go.  We were fine until they started telling all the things that "normally" happen and all of the risk involved.  The first thing I said to Jante' was had I known all of this we wouldn't be here!

I have to tell you, Jante' and I have always been prayful people and we lean on our Faith for everything.  Well our Faith was surely tested on the 23rd when they wheeled our sweet baby boy back into a surgery room.  This was the first time we realized that anything could go wrong and that could be the last time we see our child alive.  But after some strong praying in the hallway and about 50 minutes we received the phone call that the surgery was over and things went well.

Approx. an hour later Cameron was wheeled back into the room snoring like a grown man!  This was the first sign of a successful recovery!

And just to show you have good God is, NONE of the things we were warned about happened.  I mean even down to the normal things like the kids feeling groggy, sick to the stomach, or ANY of that happened.  In fact after the surgery Cameron wanted to go to Wal-Mart (his favorite new store) to get a toy for being such a big boy during his surgery.

Ain't God Good!!!!!


Getting weighed in.....got to get that anesthesia right!

Checking his vitals!

Waiting on Dr. Bussey to come in and talk to us

Almost time to go
 There he goes....tears from Mommy and Daddy!
Waiting in the Glenn Lobby

Mr. Cameron snoring like a grown man

Resting in Daddy's arms.....what a great place to be

Thank Goodness this thing is coming out!

That wasn't that bad.....

Ready to go home now!

Back from Wal-Mart with a toy!



This week we took Cameron to LegoLand.  Can you believe that there is an average of 62 Lego bricks for every person on earth? (Fun fact from our visit)

We had a great time riding rides and building buildings, toys, etc.  It's amazing how creative a 3 year old can be!


Happening Now

Even the rain can't stop this big boy from riding his bike!


Happening Now

Another great night at swim lessons!!! Check out Cameron cheesing for the camara after being chosen as the "Underwater Explorer" of the month (for his Level 3 group)!  So proud of my boo boo!


Dinner with Auntie Tiffy

When Tiffany comes in town it's a great opportunity for her to see her boyfriend!  Cameron LOVES his Auntie Tiffy. This time she was able to go with me to pick him up from school and when he saw her he was OVERJOYED!  Of course he had to show about a little bit for her and share with her ALL he knows (that smarty pants). 

I actually was sad for him because when we got in the car after dinner here was our conversation...."Mommy, it Auntie Tiffy behind us"?..... "no sweetie, Auntie is headed home".... "Mommy she can go home with me, I want her to spend the night with me!" 

Too cute!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'