
All Star Athlete

Just like most parents, Jante' and I want to expose Cameron to as much as we can and then let him decide what he wants to focus on. The challenge I have with this plan is that right now our little wants to do EVERYTHING! One minute it's football, then soccer, then golf, and so forth and so on. Being the great parents that we are we are doing our part to expose him to plenty already.....even if it means NO rest on the weekends.

This weekend I decided to spend my Saturday with the boys hanging out at our local Miniature Golf place. We had a blast. Once again Mr. Cameron stole the show. He even got a "hole in one" on the 8th hole! Let's just say he did better than both his mommy and daddy.

And speaking of exposure. Check out these two videos of Jante and Cameron "practicing" for a future in baseball and football. I see this little one making us proud!


It's Party Time

Well, well, well.....the party is OVER. What a day!! Because Cam's birthday was on a Sunday we had the party on Saturday April 14th. As you already know it was train themed and we had it at the Lula Train Depot. I told you already that I was starting to get nervous because things were moving so smoothly, well let me tell you, we could not have asked for a better day! Great weather from the start and fun all day long!!

Of course the Birthday boy had a blast and was WORN out!(see last picture) Here are some pictures from the day. Thanks to all of you who joined us to celebrate and for all the lovely gifts. Can't wait to get started on Birthday Party #4!



First let me say we try our best to keep up but it's been really hard lately.

Quick Party update:

We are a few days away from the BIG party! Woo Hoo! Trust me when I tell you we are in full party mode. In fact I'm getting a bit nervous because things are moving so smoothly! Let's just pray they continue! As soon as the party is over I will post pictures. I am pretty sure I shared that its a train theme but I have attacehd a copy of the invitation for those of you who did not get to see it. We thank God each night that we are so blessed to have a sweet (most of the time) child who is growing up to be a handsome, smart and sometimes sneaky big boy! We are amazed each day as to how he has grown and continue to keep us on our toes. It is also wonderful (for me as a mother) to reflect on how wonderful it is to have a husband who adores his son. Cameron and Jante' spend every Saturday together and this bond that they have made is a sight for sore eyes. Thank You Lord!

Because I have been so behind lately I wanted to just share a few pictures from the past few weeks. Alot has happened in the past 4 weeks.....Moving, family vacation Easter Sunday and party prep. I'm not a bad mommy, I promise to be better soon after the party!

Stay tuned!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'