
Speed Demon

We had sunny weather and no rain for the first time in almost a week and so we took Cameron to his Nana's house to ride his new "4-wheeler". Let's just say that Jante' and I had to be on guard the entire time. This little one only knows one speed.......FAST! He doesn't quite understand that you are supposed to let up off the gas petal when going around curves. Here is a video of him going for a ride.


Dancing, Dancing, Dancing....Dancing Machine

Another day of watching "Ellen" and Cameron had to show off his dancing skills......Ellen had a some hip-hop "crumppers" on her show and he LOVED it! I have no idea what kind of dances these are that he is doing....(I guess this is his version of crumpping) but he is REALLY into it.


Happening Now - Happy Boy

As you can see Mr. Cameron is happy. Wonder why??? He has an "after school snack" in his hand.


Our Little Rock Star

Do we have a singer/rock star on our hands?????????

Going In Circles

It was a nice day today so we decided to spend a little time outside riding. Cameron didn't venture too far (he said he was scared).....he basically rode in circles! Maybe one day soon he will be a little more adventurous.


Tee Time/Rock Star

Cameron is really into golf! One day he was watching TV with Jante' and golf was on and he did not want to turn away. And then of course he asked for the golf clubs for Christmas (what 2 year old knows anything about golf clubs!) Check out Jante' "schooling" him on the perfect stance!
And then there was the future Rock Star! Can you look at this little one? He knows how to hold the guitar like Lenny Kravitz! He is so cute I just want to eat him up! That's right, our baby will make us some REAL money one day!

Ridin' Dirty

It's amazing the difference a year makes! Check out these videos and picture.


Can't Get Enough

I have heard about kids that have items that they just can't (or wont) live without. This is exactly the case with Cameron and his new "football outfit" - as he calls it. He has been asking for a football helmet for over 3 months and when his papa bought him this Auburn Tigers helmet, jersey and pants for Christmas it was ALL over! Everyday this little boy wants to put it on! Here he is in part of his get up. He wouldn't even take it off to eat lunch.....REALLY Cameron?

Happy Holidays

The Holiday's were GREAT around the Glenn household. I apologize for taking forever to update the blog but between work, baking treats and getting ready for Christmas and New Years it's been absolutely crazy! Pictures are the most important updates anyway so in order to get "caught up" I've decided to just share pictures from the past 3 weeks. Please believe Cameron had the BEST Christmas ever. He had tons of items on his list for Santa. In fact when I asked him what Santa was bringing him I couldn't believe all the things he said! "A guitar, golf clubs, tennis racket and tennis balls, drums and a computer" was what the list comprised of! I said to him "WOW, Cameron, I didn't know Santa was bringing you all of that"! So that meant Mommy and Daddy had to get to work. He was extremely pleased with all of his gifts (even though he did not get the tennis racket and tennis balls).
He was also EXTREMELY happy to have his papa and grandaddy join him for Christmas. Keeping in accordance with the family tradition we went out to eat on Christmas Eve and was able to get home and dressed in our new pajama's and open a few gifts. Then on Christmas morning Cameron woke to his BIG surprise (a new 4 wheeler) - he LOVED it!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'