
Playball is paying off!

Cameron's playball activities are paying off! Each week in class they rotate between soccer, football, basketball and volleyball. Once I get the report back on how well Cameron has done in class we practice over the weekend. I have to admit, our baby has a few skills! Check out these two videos of him "practicing". Once he gets focused (and stop being silly) he does pretty good.


Big Boy Now

We decided to do some Fall cleaning today and look what I found in the storage unit! Don't ask me why I still have it because I promise (if I can help it) we won't need this again! LOL! Cameron just HAD to get in it.
Cameron at 7 months old
Cameron at almost 2 1/2 years old


Party Time

Now that Cameron is older he gets more and more excited about going to "parties". We were invited to his friend Dylan's 2nd birthday party and every since we received the invite he has been asking "We're going to Dylan's party?". After about 5 days of him asking I finally told him the day was here! That boy didn't even want to take a nap because he was so excited. Honestly I thought it would be like any other party.....he's really excited about going and then as soon as we get there he acts as SHY as ever.
Well not anymore! As soon as we were walking towards the party and he saw all of the little boys and jumpy he started running towards them! He acted as if he has known all those little boys ALL his life! I couldn't believe it. He jumped and played for almost 2 hours straight! He even ate a piece of cake - which he never does. My baby is growing up so fast!!!!


Happening Now

I'm not embarrassed to say this is the normal Saturday routine.....cereal in front of cartoons on the TV.....


Sticker Man

Like all kids Cameron LOVES stickers. Sometimes I go into his room and see stickers all over the walls, dresser, floor - WHEREVER he decides to put them. Today Cameron decided he would use some of those stickers to "accessorize" his daddy. Here are the results!


Train them Early!

I've said it a million times, it's never too early to get the kids helping around the house. When my family was in town for Labor day they were amazed that Cameron was so helpful around the house. When asked he clears the table (to prepare for dinner), he puts the dishes in the sink after dinner, he closes the blinds for us, he cleans up the floor when he spills something and he even takes his socks and shoes off - stuffing his socks in his shoes and then putting them on the shelf. I LOVE it! And he loves to help! The problem with this help is I believe Cameron thinks he is older and stronger than he really is. He doesn't understand that he can't do everything Mommy and Daddy does! Today after he used his new "scissors" to cut up paper he insisted on vacuuming up the paper himself! Boy, boy, boy!


We Remember

This Sunday was a day of remembrance of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Of course Cameron was not here when this happened but because it was talked about at Church and all over the news he kept asking "mommy what happened". We tried to explain to a 2 year old as best we could but obviously he had no clue. While having this "conversation" with him Jante' and I started to reflect on how quickly a life can change. Just think, when those innocent Americans started their day on that Tuesday morning they could not have imagined how it would end. In fact ALL of our lives were changed in an instant. It really makes you take pause and just say "Thank You" to the Lord above for allowing us to spend precious quality time with family. Each day we have with Cameron is so precious and we truly try to take full advantage of it!
After watching many specials on TV we spent a little time at the park "reflecting".


Happening Now

Mr. Dancing Machine!!!


Catch Up

I know we have been gone for a few weeks but we are back to our routine now! Over the past two weeks I've been out of town for auntie Liki's wedding and we had family in for the holiday.
I didn't get to take many pictures but here are a few.
Cam's first time eating Corn on the Cob
All ready for a few nights with nana
Me, Petty and our niece London (Rhasheda's daughter)
Cam reviewing his letters with Auntie Faye
Dinner with the Family

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'