
What a Christmas!!!!

WOW! What a Christmas! I can honestly say this was the best Christmas we have EVER had. It was a long one but a great one. Our original plan was to have a family "brunch" but then we decided to enjoy the entire day together. We started the morning with breakfast and then ended with an Italian dinner (we never do the traditional ham and turkey thing for dinner since we always do that for Thanksgiving). We literally spent HOURS opening gifts! That goes to show you that there were too many gifts under the tree. And yes - most were for Mr. C. Alexander! Here are a few pictures and videos from the day.
The Aftermath of opening presents
Nana showing Cameron how to ride his new tricycle
Future Tuskegee Piper Band Members
Coloring Time with Daddy


Oh Holy "Christams Eve" Night

The family tradition we started last year continued this year. Dinner with the family and then home for our new pajama's, opening one present each and then the reading of the Christmas story from the bible. The goal is to make sure Cameron understands the TRUE meaning of Christmas. This year was a little different, Cameron at least sat still while we read the story to him but we know he still doesn't understand just yet. Something he did understand clearly was that he could open one gift (in fact he wanted to open more than one). When we told him he could choose one he was ecstatic! Surprisingly he did not go for the largest gift but the one with the prettiest bow (thanks Auntie Tiffy). I am sure he is already looking forward to next year when he can do this again!
The Family at Dinner
Mommy and Cam in our new Pajamas
The Family before the Bible reading
Cam picking out his one present to open
Inside the present


Help Me Understand

Blogger friends and family - I am struggling with understanding something. I know Cameron is spoiled but can you help me understand WHY our "Christmas" shopping has turned into "Cameron" shopping! Really it is getting out of control. The sad part is, he still has items that we ordered on the way! Take a look at this picture. The honest truth is all of the items under this tree (except 4 of them) are for Cameron! Really - I kid you not. Even he is looking at them in disbelief! It is sad I know - but I LOVE IT!


Pic of the Week

Cameron wants to be just like his dad. Almost everyday he goes into Jante's closet and puts on his shoes. I was able to snap this shot of him posing with his dad's shoes on.
In his Father's Shoes (literally!)


Chuck E Cheese Fun!!

What kid does not have fun at Chuck E Cheese? I don't care what age you are, Chuck E Cheese is truly the place where "A kid can be a kid". We tackled the cold weather and took Cam to "play" and get some good pizza (ya'll know that the pizza at CEC is the best - don't front). As you can see Cam enjoyed himself!

Another Haircut Already???

It seems like Cameron's hair is growing SO fast. He got his 2nd haircut this week. Once again Jante's barber came to the house to cut his hair and Cameron's hair. The scene was very similar as the first time except Daryl brought his 2 daughters alone to entertain Cameron while Jante' was in the chair. And like last time our boo boo was a Big Boy! No crying or squirming. And he looked so cute when it was all over. Jante' said since Cameron has been such a big boy it is time for him to take him with him to the Barber Shop! We will see how that goes next time!


Pic of the Week

I am behind with my Pic of the Week - this is actually the Pic of the week from last week! I caught Cameron trying to "peek" at his presents under the tree. It was so cute I could not get mad at him. He even decided he'd pose for a picture for me.


Christmas Party at Creme'

Is it time for the Christmas parties already? This year has flown by! We had Cameron's Christmas Party at Creme' and it was one of the funniest things we have ever seen. The day started with pictures with Santa (once I get those back I will post them. Cameron got to wear his Christmas pajama's). Then in the afternoon was cookies and milk with Santa, followed by the Grand Fanalie Singing Performance. When I first heard that Cameron's class alone with 4 other classes would be singing I thought..... "I wonder what's that's going to be like. There is no way Cameron will sit still long enough to get though one song!" Suprisingly he was on his best behaviour (well sort of). I think part of it was he was in shock from seeing so many folks looking at he and his friends. As you will see from the first video he just stared during the first song but by the time we got to song #3 Cameron was tired of sitting in his chair and wanted to sit on the floor! Overall I am proud of him because he was too cute and sweet (because the other little kids in his class were ALL over the place)!


O Christmas Tree

It's been a busy, busy week - sorry for the delay in my posts! This weekend we were able to take some quality family time and put up the Christmas tree. It was great fun. We started by BLASTING some good "Soulful Christmas" music! Since dancing is Cameron's favorite thing to do he REALLY enjoyed this. Then came the hot chocolate and the homemade cinnamon buns! Yum, Yum!!! We finally got to the tree. It was a lot of work (for me) but great results in the end.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'