
Mr. Independent

One of the things I love (and sometimes hate) is the fact that Cameron is SO independent. Because he is our first child we are not really for sure what a kid "should" know how to do at just 18 months. But I honestly sometimes say to myself "Really, I can't believe he thinks he can do this on his own". For example, today we went to visit Nana and Auntie Margaret and when we got there Nana was cleaning up McKenzie's old tricycle for Cameron. I was excited because Cameron rides a little bike at school (a plastic one) and this was his first time on a real tricycle. Well of course Cameron thought he could pedal AND steer the bike on his own. In fact he didn't even want anyone to put their hands on the handle bars with him. Obviously we had to help him (you will notice his little legs don't even really touch the pedals) but he had a BALL.
Once we FINALLY got him off the tricycle it was on to the wagon. First Cameron thought he could pull the wagon on his own (see video) and once we put him in the wagon he did not want to get out! Poor Nana and Auntie Margaret - he wore them out!
Wagon Pull


Fall Festival

Tonight we attending Cameron's Fall Festival at Creme'. Cameron had a blast. Nana Mary joined us and thank goodness because Cameron couldn't sit still - he was ALL over the place. We played games, took pictures, visited with other Creme' families and even had dinner. The kids got a chance to show off their costumes and Cameron's costume was the talk of the festival. (I have to admit, I outdid myself with this one). (Future) Famous Golfer....Cameron Alexander Glenn - has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
Here are a few pics from the festivities and a video of Cameron playing "Go Fish".


Halloween Treats

Halloween is one of my favorite holiday's! Not because of the blood, gore or darkness of the day but because of all the great treats! I get so excited when I think about all the great projects Cameron and I will do when he gets older. This year I decided to do a small project with him, one that I knew he could participate in as well as enjoy. We made treat bags to pass out to the kids in the neighborhood. Cameron had a BLAST helping me. Check him out stuffing the bags and our final results.


Pic of the Week

So I know it's been a few weeks since I have posted my "Pic of the Week" but I promise I am back on it! Here is my pic of the week - from Cameron's Kindermusik class. He is truly the STAR of the class and gets all the attention each week. Here he is being a great helper as usual and helping Ms. Dana pick up the balloons from the floor. My sweet baby!


Cam's First Haircut

Well, well - its about time! We have been talking about this haircut for over 3 months now and the time finally came.
To make things easier Jante's barber (Daryl) came to the house vs taking Cameron to the barber shop. It was nice to have the speacial treatment and I am proud to say Cameron did a great job.
The question became - how low would we go? We decided that lower was better. We are hopeing to get his hair "trained" so that when he gets older and has an "even steven" it will lay down. Jante' said that Cameron can't help but have waves like his dad - LOL! We will see.
We LOVE Cameron's new look! He looks like a little man now. Cutie Pie.
The Warm Up

Future Baller?

So we have been trying to figure out what sports Cameron will play as he gets older. Of course Jante' wants him to play them ALL! I agree that trying them all (or at least the ones he wants) and then he can decide what he really wants to play. From what we can tell - basketball may be one of the first. Check out our future baller!


On the Road AGAIN

I can't believe it has been almost 2 weeks since I have been able to post pictures! Things have been as crazy as ever at the Glenn household. Out of town for work and then Mommy's Annual Auntie/Niece Trip kept me from being able to post.
Well we are back in the saddle and I have a few new pics. Cameron and I went to AL this weekend to visit PaPa and Grandaddy. They were supper excited to see him and see how much he has grown in just a few months. We are loving the fact that we can hop in the car and be back in the "DEC" in less than 3 1/2 hours. We were only there for one night because we had to head back for a picnic but we enjoyed our time.
Here are a few pics from our visit.


Jaemor Pumpkin Farm

You may recall that once we had Cameron we decided that we would start many "Glenn Family Traditions". One of those traditions was to take Cameron to the Pumpkin Patch each year. We picked a GREAT day to go this year. In fact one of the largest Pumpkin Patches and Corn Maze Farm is located less than 5 minutes from Nana Mary.
This year because Cameron is older he was able to do much more. He got to ride a horse with me, pet a few animals, slide down a huge slide with Nana and play in the pumpkin patch. Needless to say he was WORE OUT by the time we left. We all had a great time and looking forward to it again next year!


Our New Dog Walker

Now that Jante' is working long and crazy hours I am left with having to do a lot of things on my own. Because of this I have solicited Cameron to help me do some of the "daily chores". This includes walking Prince. I am so thankful for a helpful son - one who is excited about doing work. I think he is doing a marvelous job with walking Prince. See if you agree.

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'