
Auto Show

For our Saturday night outing, we took Cameron to the Auto Show. We had a great time watching him look at all the people and the cars. I told Cameron this will be what we will do when he turns 16, let him pick out the car he wants. Of course Jante' laughed and said when Cam turns 16 he will get whatever the equivalent of a Kia Hybrid is but I was thinking more like a little BMW! LOL!
Here are a few shots of us while there. Being the flirt that he is - he was more interested in the ladies than the cars. Too funny.


Making Progress

As I have mentioned several times now, Cameron is still doing his army crawl. I have accepted the fact that this is his "crawling". The doctor said that some babies never crawl and that some do this army crawling instead of on all fours. She said as long as he is getting from point A to point B he is just fine. And trust me he is definenatly getting from point A to point B - fast as ever.
We try to practice his "walking" on a regular basis. Not there yet (of course) but making good progress. I have been meaning to get a video of this a while back but kept forgetting. Finally got one for your review.


Whew - This is a Lot of Work!

Since Cameron is ALL over the place we really see what people mean when they say "You have to watch them 24/7"! It is truly a full time job. Its not bad during the week because we have a pretty strict schedule that we stick to once we pick him up from Creme'. Plus its not that hard because he is normally tired from all the excitement from school. But on the weekends we have NO schedule. He is good about taking his naps and eating when he is supposed to but during "play" time.....WOO - he is off the chain! We try to spend time with him having "fun time" at home and then going out somewhere to expose him to the "world". But I have to be honest, just trying to find ways to tire him out on the weekend is extremely hard work! Don't get me wrong, we enjoy it but it makes me wonder what we would do if we had 2 or 3 boys running around here! Whoa - what work that would be.


Cameron Turns 10 Months!!!

Mr. Cameron turned 10 months today! Because we just celebrated with cake from Jante' for Valentine's Day I decided not to spoil him with more treats. Our plan for the day was to take Cameron to breakfast and after breakfast drop him off at Creme' to play with his friends. We knew it was scheduled to snow but didn't think it would be a big deal (we are getting used to the snow because we have had so much this year). Much to our surprise after getting dressed and trying to get out of the driveway we realized it was NOT happening. The snow was too much to risk it. Since we were snowed in we decided to try to have as much fun as we possibly could. It was a day of chasing, eating, resting and playing in the snow. Fun times at the Glenn's!!!!
Cam and Mommy
Prince just HAD to get in the picture
Snow Play
When will the snow end?
Reading time with Daddy


Won't You Be Mine?

We had a great time for Cameron's first Valentine's Day Weekend. We started with a Saturday night trip to Dave and Busters. Because Cameron is observant (or what others may call nosey) we knew he would enjoy looking around at the people and the lights. He was fascinated by all the games and watching Jante' play basketball. This is the second time he has seen his daddy play b-ball and Jante' says Cameron will have a "shot" just like him when he gets older. Like many other fathers Jante' is trying to get Cameron interested in B-Ball at a young age. Having Cameron watch him play and watching b-ball on TV is his way of doing this. While at D&B Cameron had fun driving the race cars. Maybe it will be NASCAR instead of the NBA.
Sunday to help Cam and I celebrate Jante' surprised us with flowers and a cake (thanks sweetie). Because it was his first V-Day I let Cameron taste a (very) little of the frosting. Even though he had the funniest look on his face from tasting it, I believe he liked it.


Low, Low, Low

Over the past couple of weeks Cameron has started to pull up on EVERYTHING. His little legs are getting stronger and stronger. The teachers at his school call him "Tank" because he goes over everything (vs. around it). It became evident that we needed to do something with his mattress when we walked in his room one morning and he was standing up in the crib looking over at the floor. My heart dropped - I could just envision him trying to get to something on the carpet and trying to leap OUT of the crib! We had to fix this. Jante' decided it was time to lower the mattress in the crib. He can still stand up but now he is not able to lean over the rail. We will see how long it is before he tall enough to lean over again!


Table Foods are Good

Since Cameron's 9 month check up we have been incorporating some table foods into Cameron's diet. As expected he LOVES it. Because of this we added him to the lunch schedule at Creme' and now each day he gets to try something new. After a week of new textures and taste the winner is.....Grilled Cheese!!! He has plenty of favorites but looks like Grilled Cheese is at the top of the list. All the new foods mean that he is not wanting his milk as often. We have no problem with that but it is causing him to want everything WE eat. Here he is demanding Jante' Moe's. Sorry Cam, no Moe's for you!
FEED ME I said!!!!
Umm Moes sounds good.....

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'