
More Greens?

Since Cameron turned 4 months we have been incorporating solids into his diet. We started with the cereal (see previous blog updates) and now we are adding fruits and veggies. As the doctor recommended, we started with the green veggies - once we determine that there are no allergies, we will transition to the orange ones and then the yellow's. So far the greens are going really well (as expected since you see he is not missing a meal). Just like his mommy he loves green beans. In these pictures I am starting the peas. As you can see, at first he was looking at me like "What you talking 'bout Willis, I have to eat peas now?" However just like the green beans in the end he loved them too and was begging for more!


Hey Nana, Hey Paw Paw

Each day I encourage Cameron to start "talking". Of course he does the babbling and cooing on a regular basis but I don't think it's ever too early to get him talking. Obviously he is not talking yet but its fun to try. LOL! In this video I am trying to get him to say "Hey" to Nana and Paw Paw.


Kings Island

The weather has been wonderful in Cincinnati lately so we figured we better enjoy it because it WILL end very soon. Saturday we took advantage of the great weather and visited Kings Island. As you may or may not know, Jante' and I are not big "riders" so getting on kiddy rides with Cameron is right up our alley. While we didn't do the ride thing this time we know next time we take Cam to the park we will be able to ride with him. This time we enjoyed the food and weather. We were also able to take some pictures with the fun characters of the park and Cameron got to see Daddy pretend he was LeBron James.


To Drink or Not To Drink

Jante' and I have been trying to teach Cameron how to drink from his sippy cup. Because he is almost 5 months old we figured he needs to learn how to hold his cup and bottle on his own. Watching him has been hilarious! It's funny because he gets so frustrated when he is not able to put the tip of the cup in his mouth. At some point he will just throw the cup down out of frustration. We have been trying to teach him to be patient (obviously he doesn't understand what that means) but we are working on it. Here he is trying it again. We haven't put anything in the cup yet because we want to make sure he has it down pat. I think he is almost there........


The Christening

For Labor Day weekend we went to Alabama to visit the family and to have Cameron christened. We had a WONDERFUL time. It is always good to see family and friends but this time was particularly special because Cameron is now officially a child of God. When he gets older he will have to accept Christ into his life on his own but we felt it was important to dedicate him now and raise him in the church to learn the ways of the Lord. Jante' shared with Cameron that he wanted this to be the "beginning" of his life and what better place to start than at church! Everyone was so amazed at how good Cameron was during the service and the actual dedication. All he did was look at Pastor Jones and smile. He didn't even flinch when the water was poured over his head. I told them he wasn't hungry or sleepy so looking around and being nosey is the standard M.O. LOL!

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'