
Cam Get's a Boost

Cameron is getting much better with his head control. He practices tummy time every day at school and on the weekend. He loves being in his bebe pod (bumbo) but you can tell he is working extra hard to keep is head up. I know this will improve as time goes on but to help we decided to get him a walker bouncy. He really likes being in the bouncy because it gives him some elevation while allowing him to be completely enclosed to help keep him secure.


It's Cereal Time

One of the milestones of Cameron turning 4 months was introducing him to cereal. He had nothing but milk up to that point and I just knew he would love having something else. (Can you imagine eating the same thing day in and day out for 4 months!) I knew it would be a fun experience considering this would be the first time he had something with texture on his tongue. It was an interesting morning but I think with a little practice he will get the swing of it pretty quickly. Here he is at his first cereal feeding.


Little Noise Maker

As I mentioned previously, Cameron loves to "talk" to everyone. I have no idea what he is saying and most times who he is talking to but it is cute. Today I asked him a few questions about his day. He responded with lots of screams and plenty of arm and leg movements. This was to let me know he had a great time at school.


Cameron's 4 Months

Cameron turned 4 months old on the 15th. I can hardly believe it because the time has gone by so fast. It seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and now we are seeing him get bigger and bigger daily. To celebrate this milestone we visited the doctor for his 4 month check up. Cameron weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 2 oz!!!! Looks like we have a linebacker in the making. He is currently 23 1/2 inches long which puts him at the 52nd percentile for his weight and 10th percentile for his height. The doctor says not to be concerned with his weight right now because as he lengthens and starts to crawl and walk that weight will come off (we will see - my baby likes to eat). This month we will begin incorporating some solid foods into his diet. I have noticed lately that when he sees me and Jante' eating that his eyes are glued to our food. I told him he had a ways to go before he could join mommy and daddy at the dinner table but in due time he could have his own version of "good food". He's becoming more and more active daily. Here are a few pics from this past week.


3 Month Photos

For Cameron's 3 month B-Day we went to have his 2nd set of professional photo's done. He was such a good boy. I was a little nervous because the session was scheduled for 6pm which is normally the time Cameron and I are on our way home from school. This is also normally the time he is KNOCKED out in his car seat. To my surprise he was wide away and happy as could be. While we didn't get a ton of smiles from him on camera the photo's still came out great. He is the cutest thing ever. See for yourself!


No Pool, Just Park

Jante' was scheduled to give Cameron a swim lesson this weekend but was unable to because Cameron had a small cough. Because the weather was gorgeous we wanted to at least take him to the neighborhood park to enjoy the great outdoors. We had fun at the park on the swing and slide. Hopefully his cough will be gone by next week and we can get started with his lessons!

A Real Night Out

It's been a long time coming! Jante' and I had our first Date Night out this past weekend. We haven't been out in a long time so we took full advantage of the opportunity to get out and enjoy ourselves. We had a great babysitter - Miss Jackie from Creme'. We were able to go to the Macy's Music Festival downtown Cinci and had a GREAT time! Miss Jackie said Cameron was a great baby. She also told us that all the other teachers at Creme' was jealous we asked her to babysit Cameron because everyone knew he would be an easy baby to watch. Now that we have found someone we really like we asked her to block out the 2nd Saturday of every month to watch him. This way we are guaranteed to have at least one Date Night each month. It's interesting because before Cameron we had one night a week for Date Night, now we are down to just one night a month. It's amazing how a baby can change your life but it is SO worth it!
Date Night before the Macy's Music Festival

Welcome Family and Friends

This Blog is dedicated to all of our Friends and Family who have been there for us through this 9+ month process. We are so excited to share little Cameron's progress with you. We ask that you check back on a regular basis for updates. Thanks for all of the prayers!! We love you.
Kim and Jante'